Our Stories

“I just fell in love with the United States of America. I never ever had any kind of problems with adapting to American life. Cultural diversity is a very beautiful thing. What I respect most here is that you can do whatever you want, anything that is comfortable for you. No one cares. For instance, I am buying shorts and T-shirts, I don’t care what people think about it. Is it comfortable for me?! Does it fit me?! Do I like it?! That’s it.”

– Elbek

From Uzbekistan

Life changing experiences

“It is great to know that we have such a helpful team supporting us in America. Thank you again for everything you do”


“In my units where I work, it feels like a second home. Every day when I go to work, my colleagues and supervisors are always smiling and enjoying me. Here I have learned many things. in terms of language, culture, and personality. The first time I worked so tired that I thought I wanted to go home. It turned out to be a place that made me never want to leave.”


“My housing partners were incredible, I was able to share a lot with them and at the end of it all I created a nice friendship with them. My bosses were very good people, I had never worked before, and I feel like this was the best way to start.”